AI To Do Lists

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Accessibility Features

  1. Magic Tap (two finger tap) to create a new list or add an item to a list
  2. Use the rotor to read list items aloud
  3. Support for increased text size
  4. All UI elements have appropriate accessibility labels.

Step by step guide to using AI To Do Lists

1. Press the [+] icon in the top right

2. Enter a name for your list and choose an icon

3. Tap on save.

4. Tap on your list.

5. Tap on the top right to add a new list item .

Bulk Add Multiple Items (Pro)

1. Press the list add icon in the top right

2. Paste a list into the text field.

3. Tap on Next.

4. Review your list.

5. Tap on 'Import' to add your list items and tap 'Confirm' .